📚 English Speeches' Newsletter #37

Learn English with Speeches, News, Grammar, Quizzes & More

Hello, English Speeches community!

Welcome to the 37th edition of our newsletter, a treasure trove for English learners and enthusiasts alike. This week, we're bringing you a mix of current events, intriguing facts, professional development insights, and a peek into the world of Hollywood with Tom Holland and Zendaya.

  • 🌍 English with News covers King Charles III's health announcement, offering a chance to learn medical and constitutional vocabulary while keeping up with global events.

  • 🎓 Did You Know? delves into the historical and cultural significance of "left" and "right" in English, revealing how language reflects societal attitudes.

  • 📝 Article of the Week discusses the importance of English in career advancement, providing insights and tips for professional growth.

  • 🎤 English Speeches brings you a fun conversation between Tom Holland and Zendaya, filled with slang, humor, and cultural references, perfect for understanding everyday English.

Each section of this newsletter is designed to not only enhance your English proficiency but also to offer insights into cultural nuances, professional development, and the joy of learning through celebrities' experiences. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the vast and vibrant world of English together.


King Charles III's Health Announcement

This week, we delve into a significant news event from the United Kingdom. Buckingham Palace has announced that King Charles III has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. This news has brought attention not only to the King's health but also to the importance of medical checks and awareness about cancer.

Key Words:

  • Diagnosed: (v.) Discovered to have a certain condition after examination by medical professionals. (King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer.)

  • Prostate: (n.) A gland in the male reproductive system. (The type of cancer has not been revealed, but it was discovered during his treatment for an enlarged prostate.)

  • Treatment: (n.) Medical care given to a patient for an illness or condition. (The King began "regular treatments" on Monday.)

  • Constitutional Role: (n.) The official duties or responsibilities of a head of state according to the constitution. (The King will continue with his constitutional role as head of state.)

  • Counsellors of State: (n.) Senior members of the Royal Family who can carry out the monarch's duties if they are unable to do so. (There is a constitutional mechanism for when the head of state is unable to carry out official duties.)

This news provides English learners with an opportunity to explore vocabulary related to health, medical treatments, and constitutional roles within a monarchy. It also highlights the importance of public figures in raising awareness about health issues. Understanding this news story helps learners gain insight into current events and the vocabulary used in discussing health and governance.


"Left" and "Right": More Than Directions in English

Confused Spongebob Squarepants GIF

In English, the words "left" and "right" do more than just describe directions; they carry historical and cultural significance that goes beyond their basic use. Interestingly, these terms reflect societal attitudes and biases that have been embedded in language over centuries.

For instance, the word "left" comes from the Old English "lyft," meaning "weak" or "useless." This reflects a historical bias against left-handed individuals, who were often considered unlucky or even sinister. The Latin word for left, "sinister," is directly related to the English word with the same spelling, which now means evil or malevolent.

On the other hand, "right" is associated with strength, skill, and correctness. The word comes from the Old English "riht," which means "straight," "just," or "correct." This positive connotation is evident in phrases like "right-hand man" or being "in the right," which imply reliability and righteousness.


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Can English Help You Get That Promotion at Work?

This week, we spotlight an enlightening article that delves into the pivotal role English plays in career advancement. In a world where globalization and international collaboration are the norms, mastering English is not just an asset; it's a necessity for those aiming to climb the career ladder.

Here's a snapshot of the key insights:

  • Global Language: English's role as the business lingua franca makes it crucial for multinational work environments and global industries.

  • Career Growth: Proficiency in English can open doors to promotions and new job opportunities by enhancing your ability to communicate, lead, and innovate.

  • Self-Improvement: Learning English goes beyond work; it's about personal growth, expanding your worldview, and increasing intercultural understanding.

  • Practical Tips: The article offers strategies like attending global conferences and giving presentations to demonstrate your English skills and professional capabilities.

This article serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact English can have on your career. Whether you're seeking a promotion or looking to expand your professional network, English is a key tool in achieving those goals. For a deeper exploration of how English can elevate your career, don't miss out on the full article.


Tom Holland & Zendaya: Secret Talents Revealed

Dive into the world of Hollywood with Tom Holland and Zendaya as they answer fan questions, revealing everything from their Hogwarts House to secret talents and favorite ice cream flavors. This engaging conversation between the "Spider-Man: No Way Home" co-stars offers a unique glimpse into their personalities and off-screen chemistry.

Key Points for English Learners:

  • Informal Language and Slang: The interview is filled with casual expressions and slang, perfect for learners wanting to understand everyday English.

  • Cultural References: From Hogwarts Houses to favorite movies, this conversation is rich with references that are part of global pop culture.

  • Humor in Language: Notice how Tom and Zendaya use humor, a great way to learn about the playful aspects of English communication.


Let's test your understanding of English grammar and the key points in the speech above:

  1. What does Tom Holland compare making action sequences to from his childhood?

    A. Playing video games

    B. Using a stickman animation app

    C. Drawing comics

  2. Which Christmas movie does Tom Holland watch every year with his mum?

    A. Just Friends

    B. Home Alone

    C. Elf

  3. What is Zendaya's favorite ice cream flavor mentioned in the interview?

    A. Mint chocolate chip

    B. Brown sugar almond brittle

    C. Sweet potato pie

Check your understanding and see if you've grasped the key points of the speech. The correct answers are waiting for you further down—keep reading to see how you did!


This edition highlights the words 'blissful' and 'conscious' from the speech.

Blissful: Feeling or showing complete happiness. This term can be applied to moments in the interview where Tom and Zendaya share laughter and joy, reflecting a blissful interaction despite not directly using the word.

  • Example in a sentence: "Watching Tom Holland and Zendaya share a blissful moment of laughter highlights the joy in their friendship."

Conscious: Aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake. The speech indirectly touches on this concept when discussing their roles and the impact they hope to have on their audience, showing they are conscious of their influence.

  • Example in a sentence: "Tom Holland and Zendaya are conscious of the messages they convey through their characters, aiming to inspire positivity in their fans."


"Game Over"

This phrase is commonly used in video gaming to indicate that the game has ended, typically because the player has run out of lives or has failed to complete a level. However, it's also used in everyday language to signify the end of an endeavor or situation, often humorously to denote a definitive conclusion or failure.

"Game over" is a metaphorical way to express that there's no turning back or chance to change the outcome. It's a final statement on the conclusion of an event or effort.

  • Example in a sentence: "When my drink is too cold and it hits my teeth, it's a game over for me."


Ultimate English Mastery Combo

Unlock the power of English with this comprehensive combo, meticulously crafted by the English Speeches team, celebrated creators with over 5 million YouTube subscribers.

+3000 English Phrasal Verbs: Delve into the intricacies of English phrasal verbs with over 3000 entries, each accompanied by clear explanations and examples.

Learn English with Speeches: Embark on a transformative journey through iconic speeches. This eBook not only offers clear explanations and practical exercises but also provides insights into the cultural nuances and real-life contexts of English.

Together, these resources promise a holistic learning experience, ensuring you communicate effectively and confidently. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to elevate your English proficiency!


In the journey of learning English, it's vital to move beyond just acquiring knowledge to actively applying what you've learned. Understanding grammar rules and expanding your vocabulary are important first steps, but the true test and growth come from using them in real conversations and writings.

Your willingness to improve is commendable, but action is what transforms your goals into achievements. Every opportunity you seize to speak, write, or engage with the language pushes you a step further towards fluency.

So, challenge yourself not just to know English or to be willing to learn but to actively do — to speak, write, listen, and read in English as much as possible. It's in these moments of application that true learning and improvement happen. Keep applying, keep doing, and watch your proficiency grow!


Are you on the lookout for something intriguing and enriching? Dive into our specially selected collection of newsletters. We've scoured various topics to bring you the best, ensuring there's something for everyone. 🌍

From the latest trends to timeless wisdom, our recommendations are a gateway to a world of knowledge and discovery. Whether it's for learning, inspiration, or just a good read, you're sure to find something that piques your interest.

English Quiz Answers: 1.b | 2.a | 3.b

We're grateful for your continued companionship on this language-learning voyage. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, or inquiries. Together, we'll keep exploring, expanding, and expressing ourselves with confidence in the English language!

Keep learning and thriving,

Founder, English Speeches YouTube Channel

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