📚 English Speeches' Newsletter #33

Learn English with Speeches, News, Grammar, Quizzes & More

Hello, English Speeches community!

Welcome to the 33rd edition of our newsletter, where we delve into the diverse and dynamic world of English. This week, we're excited to present a variety of engaging and informative content:

  • 📰 English with News brings you "Achievable New Year's Resolutions for 2024," enhancing your vocabulary and cultural understanding.

  • 🤔 In Did You Know?, discover unique English words that express complex emotions, reflecting the language's richness.

  • 🌐 Our Article of the Week on "Unlock English Grammar: Master Key Rules" is your key to mastering essential grammar.

  • 🎤 Learn from Leonardo DiCaprio's compelling speech on environmental advocacy in English Speeches, a treasure trove of advanced vocabulary and sentence structures.

Each section of this edition is crafted to not only boost your English proficiency but also to offer a window into various aspects of culture, environmental issues, and the nuances of the English language. Join us in this enlightening journey as we continue to explore the vast and intriguing world of English.


Achievable New Year's Resolutions for 2024

This week, let's delve into the topic of New Year's resolutions, a common tradition where people set goals for the upcoming year. The article from Good Housekeeping lists 65 achievable resolutions for 2024, providing a wide range of ideas that cater to various interests and lifestyles. These resolutions are not just tasks but pathways to improving one's quality of life, whether it's through personal development, health, or relationships.


Key Words:

  • Gratitude Journal: (n.) A diary where one regularly records things they are grateful for, often leading to improved mental and physical wellness.

  • Mindfulness: (n.) The practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of one's thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment.

  • Budget: (n.) An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time, often used as a plan for saving money.

  • Yoga: (n.) A group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India, often used for health and relaxation.

This topic offers English learners an opportunity to explore a variety of vocabulary and concepts related to personal development and lifestyle. It's a chance to learn about common practices in many English-speaking cultures, especially around the start of the new year.


"Untranslatable Emotions": English's Unique Words for Feelings

Sad Vince Mcmahon GIF by Justin

English has some unique words that describe emotions and feelings which are considered untranslatable into other languages. One such word is "Sonder," a term that expresses the profound realization that each passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, replete with their own ambitions, worries, friends, and routines.

Another is "Backpfeifengesicht," a German loanword used in English, meaning a face that’s in need of a fist, or more colloquially, a face that’s begging to be punched. These words showcase English's ability to borrow and create terms for very specific emotional states, reflecting the language's rich vocabulary and its sensitivity to the nuances of human experience.


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For those of you who have been eagerly waiting for more ways to delve deeper into our content, here is what you will get:

  • 📁 Dive Into a Vast Library: Gain immediate access to over 250 folders, nearly 1,000 files from the speeches showcased on our channel.

  • 📩 Weekly Learning Boost: Every week, receive an email with the latest speech's PDF transcript, audio, and a specially designed English lesson. Dive in, learn, and repeat!

  • 🌱 Stay Updated & Engaged: With new premium content added regularly, your learning experience will always feel fresh and engaging.

Learning is a journey, and every speech is a new destination. We deeply trust in the value of our work and its impact on those learning English. That's why we're offering a 30-day trial for you to explore and experience firsthand.

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Unlock English Grammar: Master Key Rules

Dive into the essentials of English grammar with the article "Unlock English Grammar: Master Key Rules" from English Speeches. This guide is key for anyone looking to enhance their language skills.

Key Insights:

  • Nouns and Pronouns: Understanding these is fundamental for basic grammar.

  • Verb Tenses: Twelve tenses in English express various time frames and actions.

  • Sentence Structure: Comprehending the arrangement of subject, verb, and object is crucial for clear communication.

  • Adjectives and Adverbs: These add detail and depth to descriptions.

  • Grammar Connectors: Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions are vital for fluid sentences.

  • Common Mistakes: Avoid mix-ups like "its" vs. "it’s" and "your" vs. "you’re" for better accuracy.

This guide is more than just a set of rules; it's a pathway to effective communication and a deeper understanding of English. Remember, mastering English grammar is not only about memorizing rules but also about applying them in real-life contexts for more effective and nuanced communication.


Leonardo DiCaprio: Protecting Our Planet

In this powerful speech at Davos 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio, an esteemed actor and environmental advocate, stresses the urgent need for global action against climate change. He highlights the critical role of renewable energy in shaping a sustainable future and calls for collective responsibility to combat environmental devastation.

Key Points for English Learners:

  • Advanced Vocabulary and Environmental Jargon: This speech is rich in terms related to environmental advocacy, like 'renewable energy', 'carbon emissions', and 'sustainable future'.

  • Complex Sentence Structures: DiCaprio uses complex sentences to convey urgency and responsibility, offering learners a chance to understand advanced English constructions.

  • Cultural and Global Awareness: The speech provides insights into global environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of English in understanding and discussing global challenges.


Let's test your understanding of English grammar and the key points in the speech above:

  1. "The Paris Agreement was a call to action, but it is now up to all of us to ________ this progress with ingenuity and commitment."

    A. build upon
    B. built upon
    C. building upon

  2. "In Greenland and the Arctic, I was astonished to see that ancient glaciers are ________ disappearing, well ahead of scientific models."

    A. rapidly
    B. rapid
    C. rapidity

  3. "Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ________ where they belong."

    A. ground
    B. earth
    C. land

Check your understanding and see if you've grasped the key points of the speech. The correct answers are waiting for you further down—keep reading to see how you did!


This edition highlights the words 'irreversible' and 'devastation' from DiCaprio's speech.

Irreversible: As an adjective, it describes a process or effect that cannot be reversed. In the context of climate change, it refers to permanent environmental damage.

  • Example in a sentence: "DiCaprio warned about the irreversible damage caused by climate change, urging immediate action."

Devastation: This noun describes severe and overwhelming destruction or damage. In the speech, it refers to the catastrophic impact of climate change on the planet.

  • Example in a sentence: "The speech highlighted the potential devastation of climate change, calling for urgent global response."


"Collective Responsibility"

In this installment, we're examining the phrase "collective responsibility," used by Leonardo DiCaprio to emphasize the shared duty in addressing climate change.

"Collective responsibility" refers to the idea that groups or societies as a whole, rather than just individuals, are responsible for certain actions or outcomes. It is often used in discussions about social and environmental issues.

  • Example in a sentence: "Leonardo DiCaprio's speech at Davos highlighted the collective responsibility we share in combating climate change."


Ultimate English Mastery Combo

Unlock the power of English with this comprehensive combo, meticulously crafted by the English Speeches team, celebrated creators with over 4.5 million YouTube subscribers.

+3000 English Phrasal Verbs: Delve into the intricacies of English phrasal verbs with over 3000 entries, each accompanied by clear explanations and examples.

Learn English with Speeches: Embark on a transformative journey through iconic speeches. This eBook not only offers clear explanations and practical exercises but also provides insights into the cultural nuances and real-life contexts of English.

Together, these resources promise a holistic learning experience, ensuring you communicate effectively and confidently. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to elevate your English proficiency!


When you're learning English, remember: investing in education is always worthwhile. It might seem like a big commitment at first – in time, effort, and sometimes money. But compare this to the cost of not knowing, of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

Ignorance can limit your world, but knowledge opens countless doors. Every new word, every grammar rule, is a step away from ignorance, towards a richer, more connected life.

So, whenever you find learning challenging, remember the greater cost of not knowing. Your efforts in education are the most valuable investment you can make for your future. Keep learning, keep growing!


Are you on the lookout for something intriguing and enriching? Dive into our specially selected collection of newsletters. We've scoured various topics to bring you the best, ensuring there's something for everyone. 🌍

From the latest trends to timeless wisdom, our recommendations are a gateway to a world of knowledge and discovery. Whether it's for learning, inspiration, or just a good read, you're sure to find something that piques your interest.

English Quiz Answers: 1.b | 2.c | 3.c

We're grateful for your continued companionship on this language-learning voyage. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, or inquiries. Together, we'll keep exploring, expanding, and expressing ourselves with confidence in the English language!

Keep learning and thriving,

Founder, English Speeches YouTube Channel

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