English Speeches' Newsletter #7

Weekly Speeches, English Tips, News, Quizzes, and More

Hello, English Speeches community!

Greetings and welcome to the seventh edition of the English Speeches Newsletter. Our goal is to assist you in your English language journey, and we have included a diverse selection of enriching content in this week's edition.

Here's a preview of what you can expect:

  • A recent news article about the rescue of 536 fishermen stranded on a giant ice floe in Russia, from which we'll extract key points and vocabulary beneficial for English learners.

  • A deep dive into the world of English learning with speeches, focusing on an inspiring speech by Emma Watson. We'll also test your understanding of the speech with a recap quiz and highlight specific grammar points for learning.

  • A focus on a powerful speech by Kalki Koechlin, spotlighting specific vocabulary and pronunciation aspects that can help you speak like a native.

  • A comprehensive guide that can help you master English grammar, focusing on its master key rules.

And much more…

We are confident that the resources and tips we have provided will make your English learning journey easier. We highly value your feedback and encourage you to share any thoughts or suggestions you may have. Our ultimate goal is for you to thoroughly enjoy exploring and find immense pleasure in the learning experience. 😊


Fishermen Rescued from Giant Ice Floe in Russia

This week, we're focusing on an incident in Russia where 536 ice fishermen were rescued from a giant ice floe that broke off the island of Sakhalin in eastern Siberia. The rescue operation lasted nearly seven hours. Around 60 more people were able to get back onto the shore on their own. Footage of the incident showed groups of people using smaller pieces of ice as rafts and trying to row to the Russian coast. According to some of the Russian fishermen, by the time they had been rescued, the frigid water rift between the ice floe and the coast was already 200 meters (660 feet) wide.

Key Words:

  • Ice Floe: a sheet of floating ice.

  • Stranded: left without the means to move from somewhere.

  • Rescue: save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation.

  • Drift: be carried slowly by a current of air or water.

  • Frigid: very cold in temperature.

  • Rift: a crack, split, or break in something.


How to Learn English with Speeches: A Comprehensive Guide

This week, we're sharing a comprehensive guide that can help you master English through speeches. Here's a quick summary:

  • Why Learn English with Speeches?: Speeches provide real-life examples of language usage, making it easier for learners to understand and apply the language in various contexts. They offer cultural insights and show how the language is used in real-life situations.

  • The Power of English Speeches: English speeches are not just about language; they are also about culture, history, and human emotions. They offer a window into the minds of the speakers, allowing you to understand their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

  • Deepening Your Understanding of English Through Speeches: Speeches are a rich source of linguistic features such as idioms, metaphors, and rhetorical devices. Studying these features in the context of speeches can deepen your understanding of English and enhance your ability to use the language in a nuanced and sophisticated manner.

Unlocking the complexities of English through speeches is a journey that requires patience, practice, and application. Remember, the key to mastering English lies not just in memorizing rules but also in applying them in real-life contexts. For a more detailed exploration of these tips, delve into the full guide.


Emma Watson: A Voice for Equality

This week, we're exploring a powerful speech by Emma Watson, the acclaimed actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. In her address at the United Nations, Watson spoke passionately about gender equality and the importance of involving everyone in the fight for equal rights.

Here's what you can expect from our analysis:

  • Detailed Breakdown: We'll dissect Watson's speech, focusing on her use of language, tone, and rhetorical devices.

  • Vocabulary Enhancement: We'll highlight key words and phrases used by Watson, providing definitions and context to help you incorporate them into your own vocabulary.

  • Pronunciation Practice: Watson's British accent offers a great opportunity for pronunciation practice. We'll point out specific sounds and intonation patterns for you to mimic.

  • Cultural Insights: Watson's speech provides a window into the ongoing global conversation about gender equality. We'll discuss these issues and how they're reflected in her words.

Check out our full analysis of Emma Watson's speech on our YouTube channel. As always, we encourage you to engage with the material, practice regularly, and share your thoughts in the comments.

  1. What does 'gender equality' mean in the context of Emma Watson's speech?
    a. Equal representation of genders in media
    b. Equal rights and opportunities for people of all genders
    c. Equal pay for men and women

  2. What does Emma Watson mean by 'feminism'?
    a. The belief that women are superior to men
    b. The belief that men should be more like women
    c. The belief in and advocacy for equal rights and opportunities for all genders

  3. What does 'HeForShe' refer to?
    a. A global solidarity movement for gender equality
    b. A charity organization
    c. A fashion brand

Remember to validate your answers. The correct solutions are provided at the end of this newsletter. Keep scrolling to assess your performance.


In every edition of our newsletter, we simplify intricate grammar rules to help you master English one step at a time. This week, we're spotlighting the use of the Passive Voice, a grammatical construction Emma Watson employs in her speech.

What is the Passive Voice?

The Passive Voice is a grammatical construction where the object of a sentence becomes the subject. This voice is used when the focus is on the action, not who or what is performing the action.

How to Form the Passive Voice?

To create the passive voice, we use "be" + past participle. For example, "The book was read by me," "The cake is being eaten by the children."

Let's explore its use, with examples from Emma Watson's speech:

Emphasizing the Action: We use this voice to emphasize the action rather than who is doing it. For example, when Emma Watson says, "HeForShe was launched at the United Nations," the focus is on the launch of the initiative, not who launched it.

Common Mistakes:

Be careful not to overuse the passive voice. While it can be useful in certain contexts, too much passive voice can make your writing or speech seem distant or impersonal.

The passive voice may seem complex at first, but with practice, you'll get the hang of it. Try creating your own sentences using the passive voice and share them with us!

To achieve fluency in English, one must fully understand the fundamental concepts of grammar. Consistent practice will undoubtedly lead to triumph over any obstacles encountered along the way.


After months of dedication and hard work, we are overjoyed to announce the launch of our brand-new eBook, 'Learn English With Speeches'. This book, carrying the name of our beloved channel, is a testament to our shared passion for learning and mastering English.

'Learn English With Speeches' is more than just an eBook. It's a labor of love, a product of countless hours spent to create a resource that can truly help you on your journey to English fluency.

By studying famous speeches, you'll not only expand your vocabulary but also gain insights into the rhythm, flow, and cultural nuances of the English language. You'll learn how to understand and use idioms, metaphors, and rhetorical devices, enhancing your ability to express yourself in English.

To celebrate this special moment, we're offering an exclusive 10% discount to the first 100 subscribers who purchase the eBook. Use the code IKRF0OFL0U at checkout to claim your discount.

We want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you. Your support and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind this project. We're excited for you to embark on this new learning journey with 'Learn English With Speeches'.


Kalki Koechlin: Indian at Heart

In this edition, we delve into a profound speech by Kalki Koechlin, an acclaimed actress and writer in the Indian film industry. Kalki, known for her unconventional roles and outspoken nature, shares her personal journey and insights on social issues in this compelling narrative.

Here's why this speech is beneficial for English learners:

  • Personal Narratives: Kalki's speech is a rich tapestry of personal experiences and reflections, providing English learners with a unique perspective that can foster critical thinking and meaningful discussions.

  • Indian English Accent: Kalki's speech is delivered in an Indian English accent, offering learners an opportunity to understand and appreciate the diversity of English accents across the globe.

  • Contextual Vocabulary: The speech is filled with words and phrases that are contextually rich, providing learners with a chance to expand their vocabulary in a real-world context.

  • Social Issues: Kalki's speech touches upon various social issues, providing English learners with the language and expressions needed to discuss these topics in English.

Immerse yourself in this thought-provoking speech and enhance your English language skills!


In this edition, we're focusing on the words 'stereotype', 'patriarchy', and 'empathy' from Kalki Koechlin's speech.

Stereotype: This noun refers to a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. It is often used in discussions about social and cultural issues.

Example in a sentence: "Kalki Koechlin challenges the stereotypes that often limit the roles offered to actresses in the film industry."

Patriarchy: This noun denotes a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. It is a key term in discussions about gender equality.

Example in a sentence: "Kalki Koechlin discusses the impact of patriarchy on societal norms and individual freedoms."

Empathy: This noun signifies the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It is a crucial aspect of interpersonal communication and relationships.

Example in a sentence: "Kalki Koechlin emphasizes the importance of empathy in understanding and addressing social issues."

Expand your English vocabulary with these words and enhance your ability to communicate effectively!


Walk a mile in my shoes

In this installment, we're examining a phrase used by Kalki Koechlin in her speech: "Walk a mile in my shoes."

"Walk a mile in my shoes" is a phrase that means before judging someone, you must understand their experiences, challenges, thought processes, etc. Essentially, it's a reminder to practice empathy.

Example in a sentence: "Kalki Koechlin uses the phrase 'walk a mile in my shoes' to emphasize the importance of understanding others' perspectives before making judgments."

Incorporating such phrases into your English speech can help you sound more natural and fluent. Don't hesitate to use them in your everyday conversations!


Mastery of English isn't just about communication, it's a path of self-discovery. Speaking means exploring your own thoughts, as it is essentially thinking out loud.

Every new phrase improves your understanding, and every word takes you closer to expressing yourself. Persevere on this journey, for it is more than just learning a language, it's about finding your own voice.

Don't quit, keep moving forward!💪🏽

English Quiz Answers: 1.b | 2.c | 3.a

We're grateful for your continued companionship on this language-learning voyage. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, or inquiries. Together, we'll keep exploring, expanding, and expressing ourselves with confidence in the English language!

Keep learning and thriving,

Founder, English Speeches YouTube Channel

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