English Speeches' Newsletter #13

Learn English with Speeches, News, Grammar, Quizzes & More

Hello, English Speeches community!

Welcome to the 13th edition of our newsletter, a treasure trove of linguistic insights, captivating conversations, and invaluable learning resources. As we continue to curate content that resonates with your English learning journey, this edition promises a blend of current events, in-depth analyses, and a sprinkle of Hollywood glamour.

Here's a sneak peek into what awaits you:

  • Dive deep into the heart-wrenching news from Maui, where wildfires have wreaked havoc, claiming lives and displacing thousands. Understand the gravity of the situation, the response from authorities, and the resilience of the local community.

  • Embark on a linguistic journey as we share 10 effective strategies to enhance your English vocabulary. From the power of reading to the nuances of conversing, discover holistic approaches to mastering the language.

  • Join Anna, your animated guide, as she delves into the inspiring speech by Nick Vujicic. From understanding the emotional depth of his words to testing your comprehension with our recap quiz, this segment promises a comprehensive learning experience.

  • Step into the world of Hollywood with Margot Robbie and Will Smith. Explore their experiences filming "Focus," understand the intricacies of their roles, and immerse yourself in their enlightening conversation. Plus, enhance your vocabulary with our spotlight segment and understand native phrases like "in hysterics."

and so much more…

Before we conclude this introduction, a heartfelt request. English Speeches thrives on your unwavering support. To continue offering you top-notch videos, articles, and newsletters, we seek your assistance. Every contribution counts. If possible, kindly consider donating to sustain our content creation endeavors. A big thank you for being an invaluable member of our community. 🙏🏼


Deadliest Wildfires in Maui's History

This week, our attention is drawn to the devastating wildfires in Maui, considered the deadliest in modern U.S. history. These fires have tragically claimed the lives of over 100 individuals and have left a trail of destruction that will necessitate billions in recovery funds. The historic town of Lahaina was particularly hard-hit, with thousands of residents forced to evacuate. Many faced terrifying scenarios, with some even resorting to jumping into the ocean to escape the encroaching flames. The President has promised full support, with FEMA personnel already on the ground. However, local Hawaiians have initiated grassroots relief efforts, expressing concerns over the government's response. As the search for missing persons continues, the overall toll remains uncertain. The fires have caused extensive damage, with nearly 3,000 structures affected and concerns about long-term displacement rising.

Key Words:

  • Wildfires: A large, destructive fire that spreads rapidly over woodland or brush.

  • Evacuate: To leave a place of danger to a safer location.

  • FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency): An agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders on April 1, 1979.

  • Grassroots: The most basic level of an activity or organization.

  • Lahaina: A historic town in Maui, which was severely affected by the recent wildfires.

  • Displacement: The action of moving something from its place or position.


Boost Your English Vocabulary: 10 Effective Strategies

This week, we're diving into the intricacies of the English language, which, despite its complexities, can be mastered with the right strategies. Here's a brief overview:

  • Reading: Delve into popular literature, including illustrated books and comics, and explore blog posts about your interests to encounter new words in context.

  • Listening: Tune into English music, attend virtual events, or simply eavesdrop on conversations to understand pronunciation and usage.

  • Writing: Embrace the digital age by journaling in English and using tools like Grammarly to refine your vocabulary and grammar.

  • Watching: Movies, TV shows, and even people-watching can offer valuable insights into word usage, pronunciation, and context.

  • Conversing: Engage with both fluent English speakers and fellow learners to practice and receive feedback on your vocabulary usage.

The English language, with its myriad of synonyms, homophones, and homonyms, can be daunting. However, by integrating reading, listening, writing, watching, and conversing into your learning routine, you can steadily enhance your vocabulary. For an in-depth exploration of these strategies, delve into the full article.


Nick Vujicic: Overcoming Life's Challenges

In today's lesson, we'll explore the heartfelt speech by Nick Vujicic, a motivational speaker who has inspired millions despite being born without limbs. Guiding you through this transformative English learning journey is Anna, your animated instructor.

Here's our enlightening line-up:

  • Empathy in Expression: Anna delves into Nick's speech, highlighting the emotional depth and the English constructs he uses to convey his feelings.

  • Language of Resilience: Understand the vocabulary and phrases Nick uses to discuss overcoming challenges and finding hope.

  • Humor and Rhetoric: Discover how Nick employs humor and rhetorical questions to engage his audience and make his message relatable.

  • Cultural and Personal Insights: Gain insights into Nick's unique life experiences and learn the English expressions to articulate similar emotions and situations.

Dive deeper into Nick Vujicic's speech on our YouTube channel. Engage with the content, practice consistently, and share your reflections in the comments. Embrace the beauty of learning!


  1. What does Nick mean when he says "people put me down"?

    a. People physically pushed him
    b. People criticized or belittled him
    c. People ignored him

  2. How does Nick feel about his physical condition?

    a. He wishes he could change it every day
    b. He has accepted it and finds strength in his challenges
    c. He is indifferent to it

  3. What does Nick use as a metaphor for life's journey?

    a. Climbing a mountain
    b. Walking towards a phone
    c. Sailing on a boat

Check your answers at the end of the newsletter to see how well you understood Nick's speech!


In this edition, we're spotlighting the use of rhetorical questions and the Present Simple Tense, both of which Nick Vujicic effectively employs in his speech.

Rhetorical Questions:

A rhetorical question is a question that doesn't require an answer. It's used for effect, to emphasize a point, or to provoke thought. For example, when Nick asks, "Why does it matter how you look?", he's not seeking an answer but emphasizing the insignificance of physical appearance.

Present Simple Tense:

The present simple tense is used to express habits, general truths, and unchanging situations. Nick uses this tense when he says "people tease" to indicate a general truth about human behavior.

Examples from Nick's Speech:

"People tease each other." (General truth)

"It matters how you're going to finish." (Unchanging situation)

Common Mistakes:

Avoid using the present continuous when discussing general truths. For instance, "People are teasing each other" would be less appropriate in Nick's context than "People tease each other."

Mastering these grammar essentials will enhance your English proficiency. Practice by identifying rhetorical questions and the present simple tense in other speeches or texts. Share your findings and continue your journey to fluency!


This comprehensive eBook is the perfect tool for mastering English phrasal verbs, an essential aspect of spoken and written English. It contains +3000 English phrasal verbs with clear explanations, example sentences, and usage, which would be beneficial for students, professionals, and language learners.


Margot Robbie & Will Smith: Behind the Scenes

Dive into an enlightening conversation with Hollywood stars Margot Robbie and Will Smith as they discuss their experiences filming "Focus." From the dynamics of their on-screen relationship to the intricacies of playing con artists, the duo offers a captivating look into the world of filmmaking. Moreover, they touch upon their camaraderie, the challenges they faced, and their perspectives on the art of acting.

Here's why this speech is a must-watch for English learners:

  • Dynamic Duo: Listening to the banter and rapport between Margot and Will provides learners with a chance to understand conversational English, filled with humor, wit, and spontaneity.

  • Cultural References: The actors' discussion about Bollywood and their experiences provides a glimpse into the global influence of cinema, helping learners understand cultural nuances.

  • Varied Vocabulary: The conversation is rich in vocabulary related to filmmaking, relationships, and personal experiences, offering learners a chance to expand their lexicon.

  • Emotional Depth: From discussing the challenges of their roles to sharing light-hearted moments, the speech covers a range of emotions, helping learners understand and express feelings in English.

Tune into this engaging conversation and elevate your English comprehension skills!


In this edition, we're spotlighting the words 'improv', 'instincts', and 'profile' from the conversation between Margot Robbie and Will Smith.

Improv: This noun is short for improvisation. It refers to the act of improvising, or creating and performing spontaneously without preparation.

Example in a sentence: "Margot and Will did a lot of improv during the filming, adding their own unique touch to the scenes."

Instincts: This noun refers to an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli. In the context of the conversation, it means a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking.

Example in a sentence: "Will Smith praised Margot Robbie for her brilliant instincts as an actress."

Profile: This noun can refer to an outline of something, especially a person's face, as seen from one side. In the context of their conversation, it refers to the extent to which a person is publicly recognized.

Example in a sentence: "Despite their huge profiles in Hollywood, both actors remained humble and approachable."

Incorporate these words into your English conversations to communicate more effectively!


"In hysterics"

We're going to look into the phrase "in hysterics" that Margot Robbie used when speaking with Will Smith in this segment.

"In hysterics" is a phrase that means laughing uncontrollably or being extremely amused. It can also refer to a state of uncontrollable emotion, such as panic or grief, but in the context of their conversation, it refers to laughter.

Example in a sentence: "The joke was so funny that the entire room was in hysterics."

Using such idiomatic expressions can add flair to your English conversations and help you sound more like a native speaker. Embrace these phrases and sprinkle them into your daily chats!


Learning English is a journey, not a race. Just like plants grow with time and care, your English skills will blossom the more you nurture them.

Keep practicing, even if it seems slow. Every word, every sentence you learn is a step forward.

So, don't worry about when you'll become perfect. Focus on the learning today, and trust that your efforts will shine soon.

Stay patient and keep practicing. Your moment to shine in English is on its way!

English Quiz Answers: 1.b | 2.b | 3.b

We're grateful for your continued companionship on this language-learning voyage. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, or inquiries. Together, we'll keep exploring, expanding, and expressing ourselves with confidence in the English language!

Keep learning and thriving,

Founder, English Speeches YouTube Channel

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